mandag 21. februar 2011

My fridge in this moment

Yes, I don't have a lot to do, but I am very impressed of my fridge lately, so I figured I'd share the content of my fridge at the moment...

8 peppers in various colours
12 Zucchini Squash
1 l milk
1 l orange juice
1 broccoli
1 lasagna
1 energy drink

Which in other words mean: My fridge is stuffed, and I mean STUFFED with vegetables xP
Now my only goal is to actually eat all of it up before it goes bad.. Which shouldn't really be a problem.. all I need with it is eggs and salsa and I have my new favorite meal =)

fredag 18. februar 2011

New update!!

The modules I am taking this semester are:
Language and Mind
Talking to others: theory and practice of communication
Becoming a Writer
Philosophy in Film and Literature

I love philosophy!! It is a lot of fun! We watch a movie or read a book and then we talk about it for an hour =) ...and some theory as well, but fun! And actually useful, I think.

Actually, I like all my classes, they are all really interesting, it's more the teachers that come in the way in two of them, so I'm not that psyched about going to class, but the material is a lot of fun!

I've recently started to watch 30 Rock, and I think it is funny, so I recommend checking it out xP
Also, I watched Tangled in 3D, and lol, so funny!
...I am shocked by myself, I have started watching Disney movies again! And I kinda like it. xP
And one more thing, my taste in music is taking a hit over here, and after hesitantly listening to music my flatmates put on, I am now starting to like the music.. and we're talking music I never listened to before, like underground hip-hop/rap, house, electronika and dubstep.. hmm..

tirsdag 15. februar 2011

Back in Britain..

Yeah, I've been back in Britain for about a month now..

Christmas was awesome! Good to be back in Norway and meet family and friends again! =) Loved it!!
New Year's Eve was amazing!!

Then it was back here! this little small tiny tiny town outside of London.. It was really weird coming back here at first, and I didn't really get why I was back because the first two and a half weeks I didn't have anything to do, at all!
But I survived by watching tons of series and movies xP and a couple of trips into London..

Now, since I've been back, I went to another Sick Puppies concert in London. It was AWESOME!!!! =) Amazing!!! Can barely wait for them to get their asses back to Europe, cause I wanna see them again.. xP

After that, I had my birthday! Woop woop! I am now old.. 22 years old... wow.. Time flies..

So, this weekend I went to York!!! I visited Anni and Hanne and Lisa!!! YAY!!! It was awesome!!! I definitely needed to get away from this town (which now is nicknamed shitfield by a lot of people, because it is nothing to do around here).. And York was perfect!! I had lots and lots and lots of fun!! And we stayed up waay to late talking xP *sigh* I want to go back.. So many awesome people..

But I do have some awesome people here as well though =) Going to Thomas' birthday party tomorrow! Yay!! And today I watched Tangled with Silje and Hanna xP It was funny.. And right now I think I'm gonna stop writing cause my fingers are starting to hurt because I've been playing a lot of guitar today..

Sooo... I'm gonna hope I remember to update again in not too long.. xD
Woop woop!!

torsdag 30. desember 2010

I admit it

I suck at updating this blog, I know..
But I don't really have that much to say these days.. I live in an entire different country, but it's not really all that different.. I go to school, I do homework, I sit on my computer, I talk to people, and I eat.. And go out every now and then of course.. and then I talk to some more people, and then I might watch series..
I have completed watching all of House, from the beginning, while I did all my final work in school before the vacation. I was done in three-four weeks, and it scared me.. But I still managed to do everything I was supposed to in school, and I felt like I was more social then than in the beginning.. Huh.. Weird..

Anywho, now I am home in Norway on vacation! Yay!! But I have two papers due in the beginning/mid January, and I keep thinking I should do something, but eeh, I don't, at least not yet.
Vacation is awesome!! I have met family and friends again! =D Yay!!!
And Christmas was surprisingly good! A bit different, but still good. And I got almost everything I wanted, so I am very happy. =)

Now I am in Røyken! I am celebrating New Years with Tonje!! Yay!!! And have to say, it was so good to see her again! That silly girl is studying in stupid america, so I haven't seen her since summer, and that is a long time ago, at least it feels like it. Skype is an awesome invention! xD

First thing that crossed my mind back in Norway was: How do I speak Norwegian? What is that word in Norwegian? Everyone talks Norwegian here...
Weird, huh, how everyone in Norway talks Norwegian.. ;P

And now I am just babbling... yeah, I know, and I am almost boring myself.. but not yet.. I think maybe I should go to sleep soon.. or we.. I am visiting! Yay!!

The Butterfly Effect is kind of an awesome movie. I really liked it. =)
..and Darren Criss and Mark Salling is Hot! In case you wondered..

Right now I am thinking about the Geek Apartment! I can barely wait to come back to Norway next year and live in Kristiansand with Lisa and Tonje! It's gonna be awesome!

But first I have five months left in England, and I plan to make the most of it!
Sick Puppies is having a concert in London right before my birthday!!! And I plan on going! They are awesome!!! xD

Now let's hope it won't be too long until next time I stumble in here..


torsdag 30. september 2010


Akkurat nå sitter jeg egentlig bare og gjør ingenting.. xP Underholdende!
Etter en introuke for internasjonale studenter er det nå introuke for britiske studenter, og da har vi ikke noe vi trenger å gå på..
Tid til å slappe av og være sosial! =D Men hadde vært greit å komme i gang snart!
Sånn som det ser ut nå, og om jeg har fortstått det riktig så får jeg bare fag på tirsdag og torsdag! Wow!

Fag jeg skal ha dette semesteret er (i prioritert rekkefølge =P)
Writer's art
Writing for the stage and screen
Language analysis
Journalism skills

onsdag 22. september 2010

Welcome to the University of Hertfordshire!!

Yes, I am here!! I have already been here for four days, but it feels like a week!
All settled and unpacked in my room =) My very own room with bathroom, and I share kitchen with 10 other people, but have only met 2-3 of them so far.. Thinking that everyone is not here yet =P

Lets see, I got here on Sunday, and since then it has been info, meeting, info, and some social and fun stuff! Meet lots of people all the time =) Is fun!!

Today I think I am finally done shopping everything I need, and food for a week, at least! I hope =P And I was on open day at the Sports Village here, and played football for like two hours! So fun!!! =)

And I has just watched the semifinal in the Norwegian Cup! Go Strømsgodset!!!! =) And lols! Follo beat rbk! =) A day of JOY!

Tomorrow I am going to London for the first time in my life!! And all by myself!! But I am meeting Lisa, so it's okay! ;) We are going to the Elliot Minor concert!!! Can barely wait!! It's gonna be awesome!!! =)

My room consists of a bed, a desk, some shelves, a closet, a bathroom with toilet, sink and a round shower.. and a minifridge under my desk!! =)

And last: I WANT MAIL!!! =) Mail is nice and fun!!

Siri U. O. Hodne
Room 1, Flat 6
Ashwell Hall
De Havilland Campus
AL10 9BL

Thank you!!! =)

lørdag 21. august 2010

New blog!!

This is the blog I'll be using for my year studying in England. Hopefully I'll remember to update it 'often' and tell you how everything is going and what I'm up to.
It's still almost a month before I leave this home country of mine, 28 days to be exact, so probably won't post much until then..
And yeah, I'll probably be writing in English, but if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. ;)
Enjoy! ..or something like that.. =P